01 January 2011

Flight 2087

IN FLIGHT the homes we live in, the buildings we work in, the highways we drive on all seem so small. the smallness reminds me how insignificant they are. in fact, this size seems more accurate to me. my view turns white. the plane is inside a cloud. it's overwhelming. i let my mouth open slowly and sigh even slower. everything is white. the diffused brightness feels like afterlife. i close my eyes and i can stil see the light. a grey spot. the clouds are thin here so whatever's underneath is affecting the color i see. before i boarded the plane i spilt hot coffee on myself. on my sweater & on my pants. my underwear are damp from the spill/ it was uncomfortable at first but now i don't mind it. there is a young boy seated in the row behind me. he's been drawing on a long paper pad with colored pencils since we boarded. i told him "i'm an artist" no, i'm not. i'm a liar. i'm a believer of self-doubt. i'm not what i want to be. the window to the right is white again. nothing but white. a ninety minute flight to california. that's where we all want to be. far away from the white. but it feels great to see nothing. it feels like being blind, maybe better. it's total blankness.

1 comment:

  1. I read your words and see that you are an artist. So you can create what u want. They're are people that you've never met that feel you. Your not alone. I love this blog. Your words open doors for people so walk through as well. <3
